CHECKPOINT 1 (By; Cape Robert Smart - Helena Island)
  • Picture of Checkpoint 1 (By; Cape Robert Smart - Helena Island)
    Picture of Checkpoint 1 (By; Cape Robert Smart - Helena Island)
  • TEAM SHEPPARD & Cheese Rollers tent in the distance in front
    TEAM SHEPPARD & Cheese Rollers tent in the distance in front
  • Claire pouring a nice warm brew inside the tent from her flask :)
    Claire pouring a nice warm brew inside the tent from her flask :)
  • Quick team photo as we get ready to leave Checkpoint 1
    Quick team photo as we get ready to leave Checkpoint 1
  • 3.50pm and we’re heading out onto Checkpoint 2 along the Mclean Strait
    3.50pm and we’re heading out onto Checkpoint 2 along the Mclean Strait
  • We came across an Igloo in the middle nowhere on our journey!
    We came across an Igloo in the middle nowhere on our journey!
  • Luckily the local Inuit was close by and allowed us a quick photo!
    Luckily the local Inuit was close by and allowed us a quick photo!