ONTO THE MAGNETIC NORTH POLE (Via; Thor Island & Noice Peninsula)                           
  • Day 12 - 7.50am Leaving Checkpoint 2 & heading up to the Magnetic North Pole!
    Day 12 - 7.50am Leaving Checkpoint 2 & heading up to the Magnetic North Pole!
  • Picture of us caught up in a complete white out and heavy blizzards on route!
    Picture of us caught up in a complete white out and heavy blizzards on route!
  • Pushing on through the bad storms and still totally exhausted!
    Pushing on through the bad storms and still totally exhausted!
  • Jo & Claire taking it in turns to share navigating towards Thor Island
    Jo & Claire taking it in turns to share navigating towards Thor Island
  • Picture of Claire leading the navigation across ice rubble fields towards Thor Island
    Picture of Claire leading the navigation across ice rubble fields towards Thor Island
  • A day of constant ice rubble fields one after another to encounter on our route
    A day of constant ice rubble fields one after another to encounter on our route
  • Day 13 – 1am Traveling across Thor Island the Sun set was beautiful to see!
    Day 13 – 1am Traveling across Thor Island the Sun set was beautiful to see!
  • Day 13 – 7.30am After a few hours rest were now leaving Thor Island heading on
    Day 13 – 7.30am After a few hours rest were now leaving Thor Island heading on
  • Beautiful day though it’s -25 degrees stunning views to the horizon. (N78.18.000 W103.47.000)
    Beautiful day though it’s -25 degrees stunning views to the horizon. (N78.18.000 W103.47.000)
  • Jo navigating the way towards the Noice Peninsula on route to the Magnetic North Pole
    Jo navigating the way towards the Noice Peninsula on route to the Magnetic North Pole
  • Having a 2 minute rest bite and taking in the scenery
    Having a 2 minute rest bite and taking in the scenery
  • A little Arctic Tor in the distance whilst on the Noice Peninsula
    A little Arctic Tor in the distance whilst on the Noice Peninsula
  • Kev having a quick photo next to the Arctic Tor on Noice Peninsula!
    Kev having a quick photo next to the Arctic Tor on Noice Peninsula!
  • Day 13 -11.30pm Setting up camp for the evening on Noice Peninsula. (N78.31.250 W104.03.800)
    Day 13 -11.30pm Setting up camp for the evening on Noice Peninsula. (N78.31.250 W104.03.800)
  • Day 14 - Really excited as we had only 5.8 nautical miles to go to reach the Magnetic North Pole!
    Day 14 - Really excited as we had only 5.8 nautical miles to go to reach the Magnetic North Pole!